How to Help Your Child Be The Best They Can Be

Helping your child to be their best

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

As a parent, you’re always going to want the best for your children. When I was a young mom, I remember thinking, “What if I mess up my child?” And then when my firstborn was in Kindergarten, I continued to have those crushing feelings of messing up. I wondered if it was possible to help my child be his best.

At that time we had the option to send our children a half-day or full-day. I would stand in the school pick up area with 8 other moms talking about if we should be sending them a full day like the other 51 parents were doing. It was hard to be in the minority. We all had the same feelings of “messing up.”

And then one day, talking with a full-day mom, she said, “I wonder if I am making the wrong choice to send my child a full-day.” It was in the moment that I realized that most parents experience that feeling. So are there things you can do to help your child be their best? And do you know exactly how to do it?

Do you know what steps to take in order to make sure that your child is growing in the best possible way? If not, maybe it’s time for you to work out what you can do. Because your child is going to grow up – that much is certain. But you can support them and help them to grow in the best possible ways too. And so, it’s handy to know what options you have for this. Here are a few ideas to help you.

Help Your Child Explore The World Around Them

To start with, you’re going to want to think about what you can do to help them be more inquisitive and creative. Exploring really helps you here. It’s easy to think about yourself and your life and what’s easiest for you. But that won’t help you to bring your children forward into their best selves.

One thing that can help your child be their best is traveling. In fact, if you can travel or you can get outside a lot more, it helps to broaden their horizons. And this is going to help them to really grow into themselves.

Helping Your Child Make Their Best Better

I know that I want to be the best version of myself. And you can help your child be their best. Being the best doesn’t mean that you are number one or a superstar. This simply means that you learn how to push yourself to beat your own best just a little each time you try to do something. 4-H’s motto is “To Make The Best Better.” This philosophy helps you stretch just a little each time and make something good, just a little better. Your child will want to continue learning and growing even into adulthood.

Before you protest that you can’t have animals, 4-H is so much more than just horses and cows. There are a variety of small projects ranging from rocketry, sewing, cooking, and even a self-determined project that allows them to create their own project. I have watched my own children grow into true community leaders through this program.

Take The Right Approach

Again, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re choosing the right and the best possible approach to their childhood. And what you choose will be different from what others choose or want. And that’s okay. Because the schooling or preschool options that you look into, or how you talk to your children or how you discipline them should be personal. You just have to make sure that you choose the right approach for your family.

Helping Your Child

Photo courtesy of Splash

Also, make sure that you’re able to laugh and enjoy time with your children as much as you can. It’s hard to do that all the time, but the happier you are, the healthier you will be. And if they are in a healthy space, then you’ll find that they are in the best possible position to grow.

Encourage Them

Next, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re able to encourage them as much as you can. Because you want your child to be happy and healthy. So you need to make sure that you are encouraging to them.

One way to do this is to nurture your child’s interests and talents, as this is really going to allow them to become their very best selves.

Be There Consistently

Being present in your child’s life is essential. You just need to make sure that you can be there for them, listen to them, and be supportive. It’s easy to take the approach that you’re the parent – and that they should do as you say. But that’s incredibly limiting and controlling – so your child may not be able to grow into themselves. But if you are there for them and you take a more supportive or guiding role, they have more chance to grow into who they are supposed to become.


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