Why Travel is the Best Education for Your Child

When you think back to your pregnancy, your hopes and dreams for your child and all you wanted to do was to give them the best life possible. Your child is born, and life changes and of course things don’t happen the way you thought they would. That’s all okay though, nothing ever goes exactly the way you plan it, but it’s just important to keep in mind the main goals and the general life you wanted for your child. This, for most people, is to make sure they are safe, happy, know and love God, and get a good education. And travel can be one way to ensure the best education for your child.

Why Travel is the Best Education

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A great way to pass your values and beliefs on to your child is to homeschool. To keep them safe, happy, and give them a good education spending quality and quantity time together is key. One of the ways to achieve this is to travel with your kids on a regular basis. They learn so much from travel and experiences, none that can be taught in school. Here are just a few reasons why travel is the best education for your child:

They Can Learn Languages

What better way to introduce your children to different languages than to travel to the places where they are spoken? Going somewhere new with the kids gives you an excuse to start learning the basics, getting the language books, apps, or videos, and then putting it into practice when you get there. While you don’t have to force your kids to speak to strangers in the local language, you can certainly practice among yourself and listen and look out for words you have learned.

They Can Learn About Other Cultures

It’s all well and good reading about things in books and seeing different cultures on TV, but until your child actually experiences a culture in its original setting, they probably won’t realize the depth of that experience. Traveling is such a good way to teach your kids how the cultures around the world vary, about the differences in what people eat, etiquettes, and lifestyle. But in spite of the differences, you can also teach them about the many commonalities that different cultures have.

Travel is an excellent way to teach, not only children with autism, but all children, about how we are really all created equal. All people, regardless of skin color, hair texture, or language spoken, are the same inside. We all want to be loved, desire connection with other humans, and want the same things for our children.

Travel Surpasses  Sitting in a Classroom to Teach History

Just like learning about the different cultures, your kids may have learned about major historical events at school, but there is nothing like actually traveling to historic landmarks themselves and seeing it for real. When you travel to different countries, there is a whole world open to you. Exploring new museums, palaces, galleries, and tours are in every city and town around the world.

Travel is one of the best educational endeavors you can give your child. Learning about the history of different cultures first hand helps immerse your child in the time period. Living history museums such as Plimoth Plantation give your child the feel, look, and smells of the time period your are studying. Plus the character actors know their parts so well that you are sure they think they are those people. Other places like this include, The Titanic Museum, Colonial Williamsburg, Mount Vernon (George Washington’s Home, or traveling down the Erie Canal. These experiences will open your child’s eyes to previous times.

They Will Learn To Do New Things

Vacations are great for kids trying new things. Whether it’s learning to ride a bike, swimming further than they have before or having the courage to go on a big theme park ride, your child will be exposed to great things. They will get to try new activities when they’re traveling. Additionally, often the excitement of being away from home and in a new environment gives your kids the confidence to try or learn something new. Imagine the memories when they achieve something they wouldn’t normally at home. 

They Will Learn Compassion For Others

While there are so many fun and exciting parts to traveling, there is also the real parts of a country which you can’t always ignore. And if you want your child to learn compassion, you should not ignore or shy away from them. Travel will give your child the best education when it comes to learning compassion. There are some very poor areas all over the world. In fact, you could be on the way to a waterpark and drive through one of these. Or you could take a trip to a small local village as part of your holiday to show your children how some people live and to teach them some of the harsh but necessary realities of the world. Wherever you decide to visit, you are opening up new worlds for your child. These experiences will help shape them into the person they were created to be.

Traveling with family is one of the best things you can do for your children. Giving them a well-rounded education involves more than just the latest textbook, best teachers or instructors. Even the best school districts cannot teach your child in the same manner as traveling. Teaching your child is a awesome responsibility and traveling aids you in this endeavor. If you have any questions about educating your children, please reach out to me at [email protected]

the benefits of travel on education
Travel is a great education for your child
Travel Tips with Children

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