Tips for boosting self-esteem

Moms, we all want our teenagers to feel confident in themselves. But sometimes, it’s hard to know how to help them out. Especially if they’re struggling with self-confidence issues. Read on for some tips on how you can encourage your teen and help them gain confidence!

Acknowledge Their Feelings 

As any parent knows, teenagers can be a challenging bunch. They may be moody, withdrawn, or even hostile. Knowing how to best support them during this turbulent time can be challenging. However, one thing that all teenagers need is a sense of self-confidence. This can be difficult to foster, but parents can do a few things to help. 

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First, it’s important to acknowledge your teenager’s feelings, even if you disagree with them. This will help them feel heard and appreciated. Second, encourage your teenager to pursue their interests. This can help them develop a sense of pride and accomplishment. Finally, try to avoid comparing your teenager to others. This can only lead to feelings of inferiority and insecurity. 

Extracurricular Activities

It can be difficult to watch your teenager struggle with self-confidence. But, as a parent, you want nothing more than to see your child succeed. One way to help your teenager gain more self-confidence is by encouraging them to participate in extracurricular activities. These activities can help your child develop new skills and discover hidden talents. 

In addition, involvement in extracurriculars can provide opportunities for social interaction and positive reinforcement from peers and adults. Participation in these activities can boost your teenager’s self-esteem and give them the confidence they need to succeed. 

If they aren’t used to participating in activities, it can be hard to try new things. But this is a great way to get them out of their comfort zone and prepare them for life beyond their high school years.


One of the hardest things for a teenager is to gain self-confidence. They are at that age where they are trying to find themselves, and with all the changes happening to their bodies and minds, it can be hard to always feel good about who they are. If you want to help your teenager gain more self-confidence, there are a few things that you can do. First, talk to them and find out if there are any body image problems that they have, and if it is fixable, help them fix it. 

Like their teeth, if it is a problem, let them get braces or retainers to fix it. If they are struggling with their looks, encourage them to talk to you or a therapist about it. You can also help them by teaching them how to take care of their skin and hair so that they feel good about how they look when they walk out the door daily. Lastly, try to encourage them to do things that make them feel good about themselves, whether joining a sports team or taking on a new hobby. When they find something that makes them happy, they will naturally feel better about themselves.

Encourage Decision Making

One of the best ways to help your teen gain self-confidence is to encourage them to make decisions. The good news is that while they are still in your house, you can help guide them into building confidence. When they are young, you will help them order food off a menu, but eventually, they need to begin making decisions. one decision at a time will help give them healthy self-esteem.

Be a Good Role Model to Help Your Teen Gain Confidence

If your child lacks confidence, take a look in the mirror. Do they hear you say negative things about yourself? Do you say things like, “I can’t believe I said that?” Or “I am so stupid. How could I make that mistake?” If your child hears negative self-talk, most likely, they will have low confidence themselves.

You might think it is too late to change. However, it is never too late to make positive changes. If you have mental health issues or trauma from your childhood, consider getting help for yourself. This is a healthy way of building self-confidence for yourself, and as your begin to work on your issues, you can, in turn, help your child’s confidence can grow too.

Praise Them

Children must hear when they do a good job. Too often, we are so focused on our children getting good grades, being the top at whatever they do, and pushing to succeed that we forget to praise them. Sometimes we need to stop pushing and begin looking at the hard work they are doing. Help your child’s self-confidence by giving them words of praise.

Find Out Their Love Language

During the teen years, so many kids don’t feel loved. It is most likely nothing you are doing. But the best way to help young people become confident teens is to find out their love language and do little things to speak that language. This will help them feel cared for and boost their confidence.

Tackle Peer Pressure

During their teen years, children can find themselves in difficult situations. The advent of social media platforms hasn’t helped teens’ self-esteem. Many hurtful things happen during the teenage years, from dating, grades, beginning to work, driving, social situations, and new challenges, and all of these things can create self-esteem issues. However, peer pressure compounds each situation your child comes across. Giving them skills to deal with peer pressure is a great way to combat some of the worst aspects of being a teen.

Help Them See How God Views Them

Giving your children a faith community and showing them what God says about them will help them see outside of themselves. God says, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” Helping them learn about God will give them a firm foundation for whatever challenges they come across through their lives.

In Conclusion

It can be challenging to watch your teenager struggle with self-confidence. However, by taking the time to understand why they lack confidence and using some of the strategies we’ve outlined in this blog post, you can help your teen overcome these challenges. With patience and effort, you can help your teenager build self-confidence and set them up for success in all areas of their life including school, job interviews, and career.

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