Emotionally Charged Film Explores Teen Suicide, Mental Health, and Depression

Sometimes, a gripping movie helps us to understand the world around us, but not every teen is ready to view a heavy film. In this What Rhymes with Reason Christian Movie Review, I give you the information you need before viewing this serious and emotional film with your children. 

When I was a teenager, I rarely heard of someone killing themselves, but even if I did hear about another teen taking their own life, nobody talked about how you were supposed to feel or deal with your grief. Most teens were left to figure out their feelings alone. 

While we have come a long way since the days of my youth in terms of talking about feelings, we have not advanced as far as stopping violence or suicide or navigating mental health issues, which all seem to be on the rise. 

What Rhymes with Reason deals with teen depression, anxiety, and suicide. However, it also explores the concept of identity and being created for a purpose. 

What Rhymes with Reason movie poster featuring the cast.

What Rhymes with Reason Christian Movie Review

Studio Synopsis:

Tragedy ignites a group of teens on a quest to find a legendary landmark hidden in the wilderness. Together, they navigate the adventure while confronting the darkness within themselves.

My Synopsis:

After the death of his parents, Jesse Brandt embarks on a trip to find a mythical place that his father had planned to take him on after graduation. His friends don’t want him to make the trip alone and all agree to go with him. Armed with an old map and compass, they look forward to seeing the meteor shower that will occur while they are gone. However, they never anticipate the dangers they face or the spiritual darkness that looms in each of their lives.

Content of What Rhymes with Reason – What Parents Want to Know 


There is no foul language in this movie, which is surprising as it is about teens. However, one person says, “Son of a…, ” then it is cut off. Another one says, “Shove your head up your..,” and someone interrupts. 

Other words used include: friggin and frickin.

However, there are words used, such as loon, dipstick, and idiot.

Additionally, one person says to another, “Check your toxic masculinity.”


There are emotionally charged scenes involving the death of parents, a phone call, flashing lights, a funeral, and close-ups of teens crying.

A fistfight breaks out at school, and one person gets a black eye.

There are a few times that it appears a person has been seriously injured. Some of the friends on the journey begin to fight physically, and one tries choking another. In the process, one of the teens gets cut with a knife and falls off a cliff.

While teens are hiking, some gunshots are fired. They believe they are being shot at.

Spiritual Content:

A few Bible verses are used throughout the movie. “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter. It is the glory of kings to seek it out.”

In an effort to encourage one another, one person says, “God has a plan.”

Additionally, Zion Point is a place mentioned in the movie, and it was named that because it was believed to be hallowed ground.

A group of teens pray. The prayer starts, “Dear Heavenly Father.” One young man says, “I’m Catholic.”

One of the characters has a father who is a pastor at the megachurch that “all the other churches want to be.” 

Another person says, “I am not afraid to confront the mysteries of the metaphysical universe.” Furthermore, a person thinks their house is haunted.

Another person is shown burning incense and unrolling a yoga mat. 

One of the stops along their journey includes an old abandoned church. A character plays, “It is Well With My Soul” on the piano.

Finally, in one of the most “real” scenes in the movie, one teen says, “I’ve been walking with God my entire life, and I still don’t know what I’m doing.” Who among us hasn’t felt that way?

Fathom event poster for What Rhymes with Reason released on October 10, 2023.

Adult Content:

One girl is shown taking prescription medicine. It is later revealed to be for anxiety. In fact, a few characters seem to suffer from anxiety or anxious thoughts and feelings. However, one character has full-blown panic attacks.

In another scene, a man drinks a beer.

Furthermore, one character keeps seeing a locker from a classmate who took his life. The door is open as if it is beckoning him to follow the same path. 

Additionally, one character keeps making jokes about another character’s mom, such as “You know how hot I think your mom is,” and “Your mom is literally a 10 out of 10.”

One teen has been pining for a girl since 7th grade. When he sees her, he imagines her hair blowing. 


One character takes his sister’s car without her knowledge.

Additionally, a group of teens trespassed, picked locks, and engaged in other illegal activities.

Positive Content:

After spending some time together, the teens begin to openly share their struggles, thoughts, and fears with each other. This type of interaction cannot be forced and is only cultivated by spending time with one another. 

This movie also talks about identity and how you don’t have to be who everyone expects you to be. One character fears he will be like his violent dad, but he comes to see that he can rise above it with a little help from his friends.

Christian Review of What Rhymes with Reason – My Viewing Recommendations:

Inspired by the Book of Job, What Rhymes with Reason features a group of teens that tries to make sense of bad things happening to good people. While some of the scenes reminded me of the Goonies, they even mention the Goonies within the movie. Furthermore, it has all the components of a film that has teens taking a trip together such as Onward from Pixar or the film Stand by Me.

Will this movie be effective at helping teens who are suicidal, suffer from anxiety, or deal with difficult situations or mental illness? I am unsure, but I do think it can help teens recognize those behaviors in their friends. 

Overall, this was a great movie. It highlights important topics beyond suicide and anxiety. For example, how we deal with grief. Additionally, the film highlights the fundamental truth that a trip can’t solve your problems or a conversation with a friend doesn’t magically fix everything.

Teaching with What Rhymes with Reason:

This is an excellent movie to use as a homeschool (or classroom) resource when talking about suicide, mental health, depression, or anxiety. Furthermore, the studio has a study guide on its site that can help you navigate the movie afterward.

While this film deals with complex issues such as the death of parents and having a parent who is abusive and violent, it doesn’t always take serious issues to become anxious or depressed. Sometimes the pressure of getting good grades, living up to someone else’s expectations, or even just trying to figure out what you want to do after high school is enough to cause extreme stress and anxiety. Talk about issues that cause stress in your life with your children. Let them see that you don’t always have it all together.

About the Movie What Rhymes with Reason:

Rating: PG-13

Release Date: October 10, 2023 (Limited One day)

Runtime: 2 hours, 5 minutes

Genre: Drama

Studio: Reckless Abandonment Pictures

Director: Kyle Roberts

Executive Producer: John Redmond and Tracy Trost

Producer: Cameron Kim Dawson, and Jacob Ryan Snovel

Editor: Kyle Roberts

Writer: Sean Thiessen 

Music by: Nikolas Thompson

The Cast of What Rhymes with Reason:

Jesse Brandt played by Gattlin Griffith

Billy Brandt played by Ricardo Hurtado

Savannah Brandt played by Katie Burgess

Reena Jones played by Giselle Torres

Eli Foster played by LaRonn Marzett 

Zack Jones played by Juan Carlos Graterol Jr.

Jonathan Brandt played by Bart Johnson

Sara Brandt played by Lisa Fenimore

Calvin Klein played by Raymond Roberts

Elroy Jenkins played by Jacob Ryan Snovel

Jimmy Dean played by Adam Hampton

Prom Photographer played by Christina Simone

Principal Hughes played by Mark Dvornik

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where can I watch What Rhymes with Reason?

What Rhymes with Reason is released in theaters for one day, October 10, 2023, which coincides with World Mental Health Day. This is being released as a Fathom event. 

Will What Rhymes with Reason stream on Disney+?

At this time, I am unsure where it will be streaming.

Where was What Rhymes with Reason filmed?

This movie was filmed at Green Pastures Studio in Oklahoma and at Jones High School in Jones, Oklahoma.

Who does What Rhymes with Reason partner with in this film?

They have partnered with 988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline. They have challenged us to take 10 teens to see the movie on October 10 when it is in theaters.

1 IN 10 Teens Suffer from depression at any given time post

Who originally sang “Let My Love Open the Door?”

This song was initially performed by Pete Townshend. It is supposed to be about the power of God’s love. 

Who wrote the song “It is Well With My Soul?”

The song was written by Horatio Spafford in 1873. It was written after tragedy struck Spafford. First, he was ruined financially during the Great Chicago Fire of 1971. Then in 1873, his four daughters drowned when their ship sank crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

What Rhymes with Reason Christian Movie Review

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