I wasn’t overly excited to see Star Wars. I could have waited a few weeks to see this movie, but my husband and sons wanted to go on opening night, so I went. As I sat waiting for the movie to begin, I looked around the sold out theater and noticed that the majority of the patrons were of the male persuasion. I also noticed that a large portion of those men were late teens to early twenties. If I was a young girl wanting to meet a young man, this was definitely the place to be.

When the movie began, I read the opening as it scrolled across the screen to my youngest son Jack-Jack. He is 11 years old and autistic, and he can read, but too slowly to keep up with it. At one point while reading I had to pause because I was overcome by emotions that I didn’t expect to have. When the text was done, I looked at my family which consisted of my husband, my four sons age 28, 25, 13, and 11, and one daughter-in-law. My reaction surprised me – tears streamed down my face. The feelings of coming home after being gone for a long, long time hit me hard. The familiar faces on the screen were old friends that I hadn’t seen in years, friends that you didn’t know if you would ever see again. 
I remember watching Star Wars IV in 1982 (during a re-release) when my boyfriend convinced me that I needed to see this awesome film. I was young and had an unknown future ahead of me. I married that man two years later, and we now have five children together. Thirty-three years later, sitting in a movie theater with that same man and our four boys, I was overwhelmed with feelings of hope, joy, and a sense of continuity. I never imagined a film series that would unite generations, and I doubt that anyone could have envisioned the power of the Star Wars films. Thinking back to that young girl that saw the first film so many years ago, I was clueless to how my life would develop. I could never have pictured my life as it is today, and as I looked upon my children I realize that my children will sit in theaters with their children watching sequels in the future. 
This is a film series that will continue to inspire and unite families and fans for years to come. It has been speculated that my generation will be gone before the last Star Wars film is made, and I believe that is possible. But The Force Awakens brings answers to so many questions. The viewer finally gets to know what happened next. As each key character appeared on the screen, applause would erupt throughout the theater. There were definitely some predictable parts, but there were moments of tears and gasps. 
I was a little worried by the PG-13 rating. However, I felt that it was suitable for even Jack-Jack. There obviously is violence and fighting, and the film does get edge-of-your seat intense. Jack-Jack is usually scared by intense films, and he seemed to do great with it. The only thing that seemed to bother him was how loud it was. I am sure that the younger child will be bothered with the intensity and the fight scenes, and some content will be confusing to young children. This is definitely a must see movie; I encourage you to see it with your family (ages 10 and up).You’ll be glad you did.

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