Tired of Forgetting Important Information? Use these Ways to Improve your Memory:

Do you struggle to remember things? Maybe you have difficulty remembering even your own phone numbers? Do you lose your keys on a regular basis? You are not alone. Memory loss is a problem that many people face as they get older. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to improve your memory and make life easier. Here are tips that you can use to take charge of your memory and start remembering more. And these methods also lead to an overall healthy lifestyle!

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Include Physical Activity in Your Daily Routine

Physical activity in your daily routine is not only good for your body, but it’s also great for your mind. When you are active, your brain is getting the blood and oxygen it needs to function at its best. Physical exercise releases endorphins which have been shown to improve mood and help with memory recall. Plus regular exercise is just good for you!

So how do you include physical activity in your daily routine? There are easy ways to incorporate movement into your daily life.

  • Go for a brisk walk around the block
  • Play with your dog or cat
  • Run up and down some stairs
  • Dance in the living room to your favorite songs

Remember: Research shows regular aerobic exercise is “linked to improved memory and thinking skills” One study showed that “six months’ worth of vigorous exercise may pump blood to regions of the brain that specifically improve your verbal skills as well as memory and mental sharpness,” said neuroscientist Marc Poulin.

We all want better memory, increased blood flow, and greater brain function!

Stay Mentally Active

There are other effective ways to increase memory. Staying mentally active is one of the best things you can do for your memory care. Puzzles, games, and other mentally stimulating activities help keep your mind sharp. Doing some type of mental exercise each day plays an important role in improving your memory. If you don’t have any hobbies that require mental stimulation, try signing up for a class or learning new things.

It is also essential to keep your brain active while you’re working. Take breaks every hour or so to do a crossword puzzle, play a game on your phone, or take a few deep breaths and relax. This will help keep your mind focused and refreshed.

Get Organized

Being well organized can make it easier to remember important things and keep track of your responsibilities. The organization is the critical part of this tip–try having a calendar or planner that you can write everything down in, whether it’s for school/work, errands, appointments with friends and family members.

The organization works two ways: firstly, by helping you remember things, secondly by helping to reduce stress levels as you will have a plan and be aware of what is coming up.

Improve Your Memory By Getting Enough Sleep

Having enough sleep is an essential part of memory improvement. It is necessary to get enough sleep and that the quality of your sleep is good for you. There are many different ways to improve their sleeping habits, such as turning off electronics before bed, limiting caffeine intake at night, and practicing relaxation exercises.

Getting enough sleep can be challenging for students and working professionals, but getting the right amount of sleep is essential every night. For example, a study done at UC Berkeley found that people who slept six hours per night did not have the same levels of memory functioning as those who slept nine or more hours.

Eat A Healthy Diet

It is essential to maintain a healthy diet to improve your memory. We now know that brain health is directly related to our gut health. Some of the best ways to make significant improvements in our diet include:

  • Monitor the amount of fat and sugar in your food
  • Make a grocery list. Without a grocery list, we tend to impulse buy the wrong types of food.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, and lean meats
  • Drink water instead of soda or other sugary drinks that contain caffeine
  • Use healthy oils in your diet such as olive oil and coconut oil

Changing your diet may increase your cognitive function, and it may also reduce your risk of heart disease and reduce high blood pressure. Win-Win

Focus on One Item at a Time

When we take memory tests we focus just on the test at hand and eliminate other distractions. For information to move from our short-term memory to our long-term memory, we need to have our focus on that information and actively engage with that new information. For example, if you are trying to remember a new piece of information, if you are also watching television, your attention is split. Therefore, your brain is less likely to retain that new information. Make sure to focus on one item at a time and get rid of the distractions.

Utilize Mnemonic Devices

What are mnemonic devices? It is a fun way to memorize information.

There is a great scene in The Office where Michael Scott talks about how he memorizes people’s names using mnemonic’s. This is not the proper use of mnemonic devices.

What is the proper way to use mnemonic devices? There is not just one way to solidify information in the human brain. Using rhyme, song, or the first letter of each word to come up with a unique way to remember. For many people, music is the key to improving memory. Most of us have no trouble remembering our favorite song, but we can’t remember a mathematical formula to find the area or perimeter. The key is to use what works for you and help your brain’s ability to remember information or new material that is harder for you to remember.

How does it work?

You probably already use mnemonics without knowing it. Have you memorized the colors of the rainbow in the correct order? Roy G Biv – Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. How about the order of the planets? My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Noodles – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Noodles *(Sorry Pluto)

Reduce Risk Factors

What are the risk factors for memory loss? Poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, spending too much time alone, or watching television are just some risk factors. Working on these items will help reduce your risk of developing cognitive decline.


There are simple ways to improve your memory: include physical activity in your daily routine, stay mentally active, get organized, sleep well, and eat a healthy diet. Memory is an essential aspect of your life, and by following these tips, you can help keep your memory sharp.

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