When I tell people my “ONE WORD of the YEAR” for 2019, they immediately think of some brave act such as parachuting out of a plane or running a marathon. In fact, the original definition of Courage was different from today’s meaning. Webster defines courage as “the ability to control fear and to be willing to deal with something that is dangerous, difficult or unpleasant.”

My One Word Courage

But Brene Brown gives us a glimpse of what courage means in her book, I Thought It Was Just Me: Women Reclaiming Power and Courage in a Culture of Shame, “Courage is a heart word. The root of the word courage is cor – the Latin word for heart. In one of its earliest forms, the word courage meant “To speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.” Over time, this definition has changed, and today, we typically associate courage with heroic and brave deeds. But in my opinion, this definition fails to recognize the inner strength and level of commitment required for us to actually speak honestly and openly about who we are and about our experiences — good and bad. Speaking from our hearts is what I think of as “ordinary courage.”

Selecting Your One Word for the Year


Over the course of 2019, I am endeavoring to be a little more courageous. In an effort to speak honestly and openly, I am risking exposing myself. Telling others my story, my struggles, and my journey to wholeness is terrifying. Anyone can show you the inside of their house or photos of their child misbehaving, but to reveal one’s own feelings of inadequacies, the terrifying thoughts in my head and the failures I have experienced takes an “ordinary courage” that not many possess.

Join me on my courage journey of 2019. This year I will say the words, write the words, and even try my hand at public speaking or television appearances. I also plan on writing more about autism travel. Although my family has traveled quite a bit, most families dealing with autism do not. We didn’t have the option not to travel. With older children who were accustomed to traveling, we continued to travel in spite of the challenges. And my journey with traveling is one that wasn’t easy. But my failures and my experiences can be used to help other families.

Selecting My One Word

I know that I cannot exhibit courage on my own. It takes following the heart of the Father with abandon. I think of those Biblical giants who followed God. They were courageous. Noah courageously built the ark in the face of ridicule. Abraham courageously moved. Moses courageous faced Pharoah. Joshua was told to go and be courageous.

But before Moses and Abraham acted, they had to speak boldly. Noah had to say, “I am supposed to build an ark.” Moses had to say, ” Let my people go.” It took listening for the voice of God. It took speaking God’s plan out loud. It took speaking the heart of the Father. And it took courage. Because in the light of day, as a human I think, “What if the plan doesn’t work out?” Or “What if I fail?” If I truly believe God has directed my steps and placed the dream in my heart, then it is my responsibility to be courageous and step out in faith. 


While I am not building an ark or facing Pharaoh, but I may be making a phone call or sending an email. Have you ever typed up an email, and then when it was time to send it, you decided not to? Have you ever said years later, “I know I was supposed to send that email or make that phone call?”

So, as I begin to learn the courage of David, Abraham, Joshua and Moses, I will listen to the one who created me, and boldly speak, boldly walk and boldly follow God’s leading in 2019 and beyond.

One Word 2019

Joshua 1:9 “Yes, be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt! For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go,” is my verse for the year. This verse I will put on my wall to remind me of where I need to go. Do you need help selecting your One Word? READ How to Pick Your One Word HERE!

MY ONE WORD FOR 2018 was Focus!

It was a year to refocus my blog, get back on track and figure out where I was going.


This was the year I changed my blog from Blogger to WordPress. I made some other changes in my life – nothing major, but it was a year to do things differently. And some of the different was changing my mindset – getting out of my own way to let God work.


It was a year to find my voice. I was growing weary, and I used my one word to find a strength that can only be found in Christ.

If you are looking to make some “Resolutions” involving your One Word – Download Vera’s Resolution Checklist HERE to help keep you on track.

My one word for the year 2019 Courage

1 thought on “MY ONE WORD OF THE YEAR 2019 – COURAGE”

  1. Pingback: How to Deal With Overwhelming Grief as a Mom - Lavanda Michelle

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