Boy Scout print by Norman Rockwell
“A Scout is Helpful”

I am a blogger, and I dedicate my blog as a place for parents, homeschoolers, moms and dads, and those who need encouragement in those areas. I have loved being a part of the blogging community, but these past several days have been difficult for me. (You know when you find something out that isn’t really true and the disappointment cuts to your core?) I thought the blogging community supported one another. That is far from the truth. I have friends, relatives, and acquaintances on both sides of the political aisle, but I believe that your vote and your viewpoint are yours. You can share if you want, but you should not be forced or bullied into sharing. 

I read on the Facebook wall of a fellow blogger that bloggers need to use their social media influence politically. She questioned why we weren’t sharing how we voted. She claimed we need to use our influence to convince others. Imagine for a second walking into a hair salon, insurance agency, coffee shop, store or doctor’s office and before they wait on you, they give you their political viewpoint. How long before you barricade yourself in your house and never go out again? 

And then I read the following on another Facebook wall of a person deemed a social media guru and mentor to bloggers, 

I have never ever in many years on Facebook said this, but if you voted (Insert opposing candidate name here) Shame on you!!!! unfriend me right f***ing now

and the public shaming, bullying and angry words continued to spill forth from all across social media. I walked away discouraged and saddened. Do I believe that my vote and yours matter? Yes, but I believe so much more.

Your vote is the sum of who you are. You do not develop your politic views just by watching debates, news networks, and reading articles. You develop your world and political views by the people who raised you, the teachers and friends along the way, the books you read, the churches you attended, the experiences you have had, and by your temperament and personality. Take this all together and roll it in a ball, and that is who you are. You make decisions based on your personal experiences. My personal experience cannot in good conscience allow me to vote for one person, and yours cannot allow you to vote my way. Does this mean I am a bad person and you are good or vice versa? NO. Does it mean either one of us are racists, bigots, homophobes, or hate America? NO. It means that at this place and time in my life I have certain convictions that I cannot go against, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t respect you and your convictions.

Let’s Face Reality – Parenting, Marriage, and LIFE is HARD!!!! It is even harder if you are dealing with a child with autism or a disability, illness, cancer, taking care of an elderly parent, or financial worries. You need a place to be encouraged. You want to know that someone has your back. I got this for you! I have been told that encouraging words are my gift! And I will use those words to lift you up. I refuse to tear down another mom or dad who is just trying to navigate life. 

And as a weary mom or dad, you need encouraging words more than ever. You need to be loved and lifted up. When I say I will pray for you, I mean I will pray for you. When I say that I will walk you through a situation, I mean I will be by your side to encourage you and be a shoulder for you. 

My pledge to you: This is a place to come and be encouraged. You will not be mocked, taunted or bullied because of the decisions you make or the feelings you have or how you vote. You will receive uplifting advice, hear the trials and joys of other moms and dads (and sometimes sisters and brothers), and be given parenting, marriage, travel and life tips along the way. 



  1. Alia Calano

    I commend you for sticking to your beliefs. Life is already so hard – totally agree! We can disagree on eachothers religions, politics, parenting but we do not need to be bullies!


  2. Thank you for writing this! Your words are uplifting through some of the negativity. I agree – we have burdens on our shoulders already and then top it off with the negativity spewing from social media, it's tough. I appreciate political discourse where I learn and feel like I understand another position better but I do not take part in any negative propaganda.

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