Let’s face it. We all have the potential to be addicted to something. For some people, it’s alcohol or drugs. For others, it may be shopping, drinking coffee, or eating. However, for me, it was buying books. My house was filled to the brim with books, books, and more books. The thrill of finding a sought after book in a used bookstore – AHHHH! However, I knew I had to get my addiction under control. Technology – cell phones, social media, online games, or chat rooms, all can be addictive too. However, for a child or teen, they may not have the wherewithal and skills to work on limiting screen time on their own. This is where we, the parents, come in.

These days, children all have devices. And, as much as you may want to ensure that they do not spend all of their time on their phones or computers, it’s not that easy to be the overseer of everything. However, if you can work on limiting technology, you may find really helps your children to be happier and healthier.

Kids and tech limiting screen time

Limiting Screen Time Helps Your Children in the Following Ways:

Improving Their Focus

When you begin to limit cell phone or computer usage, it may be difficult at the beginning. However, if your children trust you, it will be much easier to have the serious conversation about limiting screen time. If your child is having trouble with grades or concentration, one of the first positive things you may find is that their focus improves when limiting technology. If they are always online or talking to friends or on social media, it’s such a big distraction. But only having an hour or so a day can mean they focus on other things in life.

Parents report that they feel like they got their child back. Once you remove the item of addiction, people revert back to the way they were. However, it is not just enough to limit the addictive item, you need to teach your child about addiction and how it can overtake their lives. More on that later.

Two teens taking selfies at the beach

Managing Expectations

Another reason why limiting screen time can be great is that it’s easy for them to get their heads wrapped up in the online world and comparing themselves to others. And that’s never positive for them. But restricting their access to The online world allows them to spend more time in reality and real-life – and it can manage their expectations for life and the future.

Furthermore, you can use this opportunity to teach your child/ren that not everything you see online is true or factual. Many people get so caught up in what someone else is posting, that they try to one-up them. Everyone wants to be pretty, liked, and popular. But just because you are popular online does not mean that you have everything together or that you are in a good place mentally.

Cell phone with earbuds

Protecting Their Health

At the time same, you will also find that limiting screen time will protect their health. If children are always using technology, it can impact their reality as you know. And when that happens, you’ll find that they may get anxious or suffer from an effect on their mental health. If you’re interested in finding out more about anxiety in teens, why it happens, and what you can do to help it, just take a look at the infographic below.

This infographic helps explain to recognize the signs of anxiety in your teen, where and how to get help, and giving your child options outside of technology!

We hope this helps you find ways to helping your teen cope!

Infographic Design By Bradley University

More Blog Posts:

21 Tips to Make Screen Time More Meaningful for Your Kids

Five Things that Make Raising Kids Easier

Super Ways to Keep Your Kids Busy without Screen Time

Keeping Kids Happy During Times of Stress

Setting limits on kids cell phone usage
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