A prayer journey of a mom who describes herself as a “hot mess”
(A Glimpse of one homeschool moms prayers over the course of 28 years)
As I began my journey, I prayed, Lord, I want to be like that family over there. That mom is so calm.

And my family seemed a hot mess. And I prayed, Lord, Please just help me make it through this day.
How often I have said that prayer over the years?
And Lord, I promise that tomorrow I will find the time to sit down and spend some time with you.
Yes, I’ve muttered those words too.
I really blew it with Jeffrey, or David, or Melissa, or Marcus, and especially with Jack-Jack. Lord, please forgive me for losing my temper. Give me the words as I apologize, and Lord, can you help me with patience as I teach my children how to love and serve you?

Thank you, God, for this gift, these children you have given me! I will praise you all day long.
You see, I love you, Lord, but I am busy. I have bills to pay, bellies to feed, and there is not even time for laundry or cleaning.
Lord, The kids are down for a nap. As I load the laundry, I will dance and sing to my God.
Lord, it has been a while since I opened my Bible. Please forgive me. I can’t even find it underneath this stack of papers to grade and bills to pay!
Lord, help me make it one more day! After I get through the next event, the next meeting, and the next field trip, I will find the time for a real devotional!
Lord, I need soul rest that only you can give. I wish I could find 5 minutes. You say you give rest to the weary. I need that rest right now because I am beyond exhausted.
Lord, you gave me this special child. Please give me the wisdom to teach him.
Five minutes in the bathroom. Five minutes alone. I am so glad that I put this devotional in here.

Lord, help me to be a witness to the world around me.
Yes, ma’am, they are all mine, and yes we do homeschool. Why do we homeschool? You see, their souls are just too important to me to leave to a godless institution.
Lord, I am failing at everything. But I thank you for good friends and fellowship. Godly woman who have lifted my family up. Thank you for new beginnings.
I wish I had more time to spend with my grandchildren. They are so full of energy. Lord, I really thought that by this point in my life, things would be easier and calmer, and I would be able to find more time to sit with you and the people that I love.
Lord, thank you for this gift of homeschooling that has taught me, stretched me, and molded me into a different person than at the start of this journey. But most importantly, thank you for loving me even now when I still am a hot mess.
And over the past twenty-eight years, as life has ebbed and flowed, through the good times and the bad, through the sleepless nights, the teenage years, the graduations, the weddings, and the disabilities, I have found that at times I have walked closer with God, and at times I have pulled away. But I have mostly found that in my busy-ness, God has always been there, and He was teaching me to walk with Jesus all day long.
Prayers for a Homeschool Mom – My prayers for you!

Reviewing movies for parents from a Christian perspective since 2005. Know Before You Go!
Christian Homeschooling mom – 30 years and counting
Autism Mom & Disney enthusiast