Everybody has a Father Story

Have you ever been blown away by God moments? Watching events unfold and knowing that God’s hand was involved? Some people will call these moments coincidences, but I call them God-incidents. Show Me the Father is one of those moments for me. In this review, I will give you the information you need to make an informed decision on viewing this move.

What is your father story? We all have them – both a father and a father story. Whether you ever knew your father or not, there is a story. I had a father until I was 40. My husband’s father died when he was 7. Since we all have a father story, this movie is relevant to all of us. That’s why I was excited to introduce a new movie, Show Me The Father, by the Kendrick Brothers. You know, the guys that brought us Courageous and War Room. 

This movie is about the fatherhood of God. It is inspiring, powerful, and engaging.

When I was given the opportunity to review this movie, I wanted to turn it down. Everything in me shouted NO! But God would not let me. I even started to type an email to decline. But I knew this was something I was supposed to do. I reluctantly agreed. Not wholeheartedly – not enthusiastically. I said yes, but my heart wasn’t in it. All of that was about to change.

Show me the father christian movie review

Synopsis: Show Me the Father Christian Movie Review

First, this movie is produced by the Kendrick brothers, Alex and Stephen. This dynamic duo brought you Fireproof, Courageous, and War Room. However, Show Me the Father is a little different than those other movies. This a documentary that follows five true stories of fatherhood.

When I started watching the movie, I wrote, “The moment this film started, I knew this would be a life changing moment.” The film opens in my hometown. Youngstown, Ohio – this is the town that has been forgotten. Once a great steel town, we have been passed by for expansion opportunities over and over. Our biggest export is our people. This movie highlights one of those exports.

Sherman Smith is a former NFL running back from Youngstown, Ohio. We follow his father story throughout the movie. While he had a loving father, he still has a stirring memoir. 

In this powerful, inspiring documentary, you will hear from Deland McCullough, a football player from Campbell, Ohio. This happens to be the town that both my parents came from. Additionally, Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family, Dr. Tony Evans, and Alex and Stephen Kendrick, all share hope-filled stories that will tug at your heart-strings. More importantly, these stories will lead you into a deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father.

No matter what type of relationship you had/have with your earthly father, God can heal your heart, give you peace, and fill that void in your life. 


A group of content creators were treated to a Zoom interview with the Kendrick’s brothers and heard a little of the story of how this movie came to be. They originally began with 17 true stories and that was narrowed down to the 5 we hear about in the movie. Additionally, Alex and Stephen shared about their relationship with their own father, and how that impacted their lives.

Recommendation: Show Me The Father Review

While this is a fantastic documentary with absolutely no offensive content, small children will most likely be bored. Additionally, there are discussions regarding abusive parents and the death of parents. However, we all have a father story – good or bad. And we all need a relationship with God the Father. This movie can bring true revival to your life, and the lives of those around you. I guarantee that you will be forever changed by the encouraging and uplifting stories you hear in this movie.

If you are longing to see a revival spread throughout the land, let it start with you!

1 John 3:1 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.


When Does Show Me the Father Open in Theaters?

Show Me The Father opens on September 10, 2021. To find a theater near you, visit ShowMeTheFatherMovie.

How Long is Show Me the Father?

The runtime on this movie is 1 hour, 31 minutes.


Dr. Tony Evans

Jim Daly

Sherman Smith

Stephen Kendrick

Alex Kendrick

Deland McCullough

Eddie George

Jill Kendrick

Jonathan Evans

Larry Kendrick

Show Me the father movie poster

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