I have a shocking confession to make. Most of my friends and family will be so disappointed in my online proclamation, but I must finally tell the truth. But before I spill my guts about the offensive act, I feel that I must offer a proper defense. You see, there are extenuating circumstances to my particular crime.

Reason One why I committed the offense: While I am pretty candid about some aspects of my life, I am pretty quiet about others. Therefore, most people, including some family members, do not know that I have an auto-immune disease called Hashimoto’s. This autoimmune disorder means that my body attacks my thyroid causing symptoms of low thyroid (weight gain, pain in arms and legs, inability to regulate temperature, etc.). I knew something was wrong 21 years ago, but could not get most doctors to listen to me. It was only three years ago that a doctor finally ran the correct blood test and confirmed what I already knew. Since that time I have modified my diet, take some supplements, and have some pretty great days, but sometimes if I eat certain foods, I get sluggish. Sometimes I become just too tired to accomplish much of anything.
Reason Two: I have a 12 year old son with autism. I call him Jack-Jack. Some days are great, but others not so much! One place that seems to cause consternation is the grocery store. The lights and sounds seem to bother him. There are days that the simple act of navigating through the store is difficult with Jack-Jack, and then we get to the register. Jack-Jack helps to put the groceries on the belt. Sometimes it goes smoothly, and we have a wonderful time in the store, but many times it does not. To endure a simple shopping trip creates more gray hair. Often, by the time I am putting the groceries in the car, I am drained both mentally and physically.
My crime: I DO NOT always return my grocery cart to the cart return. YES, I AM THAT LADY!!!!!!!
I will allow you to pause here while you gasp with unbelief.
Please feel free to listen to 
while you collect your thoughts.
Now some of you may be thinking “This isn’t that big of a deal” while others are saying, “Do you realize the damage that your unbridled cart can do?” Yes, I do realize, but sometimes I have to make a choice between the grocery cart and Jack-Jack.
The only times I do not return my cart is when I am alone with Jack-Jack. I return my cart 19 times out of 20. If I have Jack-Jack and Dash with me, I can let Jack-Jack get in the car, and Dash can return the cart. If I am by myself, I return my cart. When navigating through the parking lot with Jack-Jack, I push the cart while holding his hand or making sure he holds onto the cart. When I get to the vehicle, I have him hop into his seat while I unload the buggy. I do not usually have him help me because Jack-Jack is unpredictable. The vehicle is the safest place for him while I am putting the groceries away. If I am alone with Jack-Jack, when I am done unloading the vehicle, I have two choices. I can leave the cart in front of my car, or I can return the cart. If I return the cart while Jack-Jack sits in the car, I face the possibility of Jack-Jack running after me. To return the cart, I need to get him out of the car and walk the buggy back. And quite frankly, sometimes I am too exhausted to accomplish this seemingly simple task. And sometimes Jack-Jack is too unhinged to get back out of the car. So sometimes my cart does not get returned!
I do know that I feel great guilt and judgment when I do not return my cart. One particular moment stands out in my mind. It was snowing and wet, slushy, heavy snow was all over the parking lot. I had already made 3 other stops, but we needed groceries. The forecast was calling for more snow, and I knew we already were out of milk, eggs and bread. It was a now or never moment. I was alone with Jack-Jack. He was tired and hungry, and already had a full day, but we needed food. I made the dreaded stop at the grocery store ALONE with Jack-Jack. When we were finished shopping, freezing rain started to fall. Jack-Jack is impervious to the elements. He wanted to jump (without boots on) in every wet, slushy puddle he could find. I just cared about getting him in the car and home alive. I was anxious and snapped. He started crying. By the time I got to the car I was crying too! As I pushed the cart through the sludgy parking lot it was as if a 5,000 pound elephant had jumped in, and I couldn’t walk another step to put it back. I left my cart, and felt the condemnation of the entire free world upon me – The looks and stares were boring a fiery hole through me. 
I know people think Jack-Jack is old enough to help and he looks normal. So people think I have a lazy son who won’t help. The problem is he will help, but I don’t want him helping in a snowy, slushy parking lot oblivious to the dangers around him.
So my particular plea is that when you see a person who doesn’t put back their cart instead of criticizing them ask yourself why, and then give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she just received a phone call from the hospital and her loved one was brought into the ER. Maybe he has a silent disability or disease (one that isn’t clearly visible). Maybe she always return her cart, but that day, for some reason, she just couldn’t! And maybe if you offer to lend a hand and return his/her cart for them that kind act will make all the difference in their day!
NOTE: On the particular day that I took this photo, I had Jack-Jack and Dash with me. As stated previously, I always put my cart back when I have help. So on this horrific shopping trip to Sam’s Club (one of Jack-Jack’s Top 10 Worst Places to visit), this particular cart was placed there by another shopper, a lone man, by himself. In fact, I witnessed 3 other men ditch their carts, and all had the same M.O. – all were men, all were by themselves, and all were younger than 45. I am not sure what that means, but it was just my observation for the day!

4 thoughts on “My Shocking Confession: I AM THAT LADY”

  1. Jennifer Humphries

    Wow I would do that too! Ummmm, clearing throat here, I kind of already do. When I am shopping alone with the children, sometimes it is just too much and I can't leave crawling toddlers alone in the cart or the car. Sheesh it's bad, but could be worse, right ?

  2. Lorelei Ketcherside

    Hugs Patty. Invisible diseases stink!

  3. I am happy that I am in such good company! The toddler years won't last forever. OR WILL THEY?

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