Joyful Living: Maintaining a Positive Attitude When Life Gets Hard

Homeschooling is hard. Autism is hard. So many friends and relatives are going through other situations that are difficult. It’s not easy staying in a positive frame of mind in today’s world. In addition to worrying about your kids and their futures,  you may be concerned about long-term job security, your health, and your family. And then add a fast-paced hectic life. These things make joyful living almost seem impossible.

But things become even more problematic when there’s serious issues in your life. Rather than suffering from a general feeling of stress, there’s something acute and real that’s driving the train. So how can you stay mentally healthy when these things are happening? We take a look at a few tips below.

Joyful living jogging and exercise

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Take a Break

The problem with personal issues, no matter whether they’re big or small, is that we tend to dwell on them. Even if the problem started out as small (or even just the potential to turn into a problem), after a few hours of turning the problem over in our minds, the issue has become huge. Additionally, the things we focus on become our reality.

If we try to reason our way out of it, we usually just dig ourselves even deeper. When this happens, it’s best to take a break from thinking about it entirely, and doing something else. Go to the cinema, or for a run, or anything that’ll occupy your mind. The problem may not disappear, but you’ll have had a break from thinking about it. Furthermore, you may find taking that break helps live a more joyful life.

Instead Think of The Lovely Things in Life

When you begin to think about lovely things and focus on them, your life takes on a new rich dimension. Joyful living means focusing on the things that make you feel real joy. In fact, this will enable you to change your overall attitude. Whether you call it shifting your focus or manifesting your destiny, your thoughts have the power to create a better reality.

Positive thoughts towards joyful living

Think Big Picture

It’s normal that any problem in our lives will receive a lot of our attention. But we can sometimes elevate our issues to monumental proportions. When this happens, it’s worth taking a step back, and thinking big picture. Ask yourself how much of a problem it’ll be in five years. Sometimes it will be a problem, but at other times, it won’t. Losing your job, for example, can be distressing — but it’s not the end of the world.

Almost every situation can be thought of this way. Asking yourself if the problem will still be a problem ten years from now will go a long way to re-evaluating the situation. In fact, studies indicate that most of the things we worry about never come to pass anyway.

Seek Out Help

There are situations that need attention. Maybe you have an overdue bill. We spend more time worrying about the bill and the fact that we can’t pay it. Instead reach out to the company and see what arrangements can be made. You will remove the source of worry and make a plan. Problem solved.

But some problems need more help than just a simple phone call. It’s always important to remember that whatever issue you’re facing, you don’t need to go through it alone. There will be people who have lived through the same thing that you’re going through who can offer advice and guidance.

Sometimes simply googling the problem and finding other people who have gone through similar situations can change your life.

If you’re suffering from a more general problem, then your friends and family may be able to help. Sometimes talking through a problem with a friend gives you a different perspective. Additionally, your friends and relatives can help you remember the times when life seemed to have more joy.

If it’s more specific, then you can get in touch with a group that specifically deals with that issue. There are groups for alcoholism, abortion support groups, grief support groups, autism support groups, and many others. So reach out — they might just be able to point you in the right direction to overcome the issue.

Meditation and prayer for joyful living

Tried and Tested Methods

There are some issues that will always force us into feeling terrible, but don’t forget that there are many tried and tested methods that have been shown to boost a person’s mental health. For example, meditation, reading the Bible, and prayer have been shown to give the brain a boost, as have eating freshly prepared meals and exercising. One of my favorite methods for dealing with stress is dancing.

You won’t always feel like doing these things, but it’s important that you do them anyway. You might just find that they provide the foundation that enables you to face your problems head on, and get back to living a more joyful life.

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