Jack-Jack doesn’t realize he’s learning when he watches Disney movies. He just watches them because he loves the characters and the music. There is something in them that speaks to him. I allow him to watch them because I know that I can reach him through the movies.

Jack-Jack’s favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast. He tells people that his favorite character is The Beast, and he has been known to “roar” at the Beast at Disney World. He recites all the classic lines from the film. He does an awesome imitation of the Beast as he bellows, “DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU COULD HAVE DONE?” Most days while driving in the car we are serenaded with some kind of Disney music.

Yesterday we just happened to be listening to the soundtrack from Beauty and the Beast. Jack-Jack said to me, “The Beast needs to learn to control his temper.” I knew that this was a teachable moment. We talked about how the Beast loses his temper, and then I asked him about his temper. His response, “I need to learn to control my temper too.”

My hope is that if you have a child like Jack-Jack you can find the thing that helps them connect with the world around them.

1 thought on “Incredible Thoughts from Jack-Jack #1 The Beast”

  1. Mimi Rothschild

    Personally I learn many more by watching Disney movies like Jack-Jack. And I like the music also. As a reader I'm totally enjoyed the total post at all. Thanks for this allocation and hope will come in this site to know more info's.

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