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How will I ever teach writing? I have been a blogger for 10 years, however, knowing how to write doesn’t naturally translate in being able to instruct someone else especially when that someone is resistant to learn. My oldest son enjoyed writing. That helps so much, but for a child that doesn’t enjoy writing, finding the right writing curriculum is essential. My fourth son is a junior and while he has a clear understanding of grammar, he hasn’t tackled much writing. When Institute for Excellence in Writing® (IEW®) came across my radar, I thought I would give it a try.

I selected Structure and Style® for Students Year 1 Level B (Grades 6-8) because I thought he was further behind in writing than he probably is, but with writing, starting at a lower level may be a great idea.
It is important to note that this isn’t my first introduction to IEW®. Two of my older children actually were involved in a co-op that used IEW®, however, at that time I had small children at home and couldn’t actively participate in the co-op. I myself had little involvement in the class, and just saw the end results of the instruction.
So in essence, I consider myself new to IEW®. So let me tell you how it is going, and what I think about Style and Structure® Year 1 Level B.

What is IEW®
First off, IEW® or Institute for Excellence in Writing®’s mission is to equip teachers and parents with the ability to teach their students “to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers.”
Their motto is “Listen. Speak. Read. Write. Think!”
This course is 24 weeks of writing lessons designed to help children become successful writers. There are three levels – Level A (Grades 3-5), Level B (Grades 6-8) and Level C (High School).

While IEW® has other products, for the purpose of this review, I am discussing Style and Structure Year 1 Level B (Grades 6-8).
I received a Teacher’s Manual, Student Packet with Student Binder, videos (online with “forever streaming” – this means that I have access to these videos for life and can use this program with other students), and a host of online tools to help me help my child with writing.
These tools include a monthly newsletter (email), webinars, forums, blog, podcasts, online connections such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram, and more.
Each level comes complete with streaming videos of Mr. Pudewa’s writing lessons. There are daily assignments and since my son is using the 6th–8th grade level, but is older, he can complete most of the assignments without much help from me. This is giving him the structure to take his writing to the next level and ultimately prepare him for writing for college and beyond.

How We Have Used Style and Structure in our Family to Teach Writing
Marcus is 17 years old and wants to graduate in 2021. However, he has “holes” in his learning – I am a very eclectic homeschooler. Until high school, I believe that children should explore and move at a pace that suits their growing minds and bodies and not on a “schedule” set by experts that have never met your child.
Because of this, during the high school years, there may need to be some additional attention paid to some subjects. I know this method works from the older children I have raised.
While Marcus has written before, and he actually has written for my blog, he has lacked a formal writing class. After completing Level B, we will move on to Level C for high school.

The course has 9 units that span 24 week. That 24 weeks of teaching writing that encompasses the following:
- Note Making and Outlines
- Writing from Notes
- Retelling Narrative Stories
- Summarizing A Reference
- Writing From Pictures
- Summarizing Multiple References
- Inventive Writing
- Formal Essay Models
- Formal Critique
These units cover writing keyword outlines, creating titles, retelling a story through an outline, new vocabulary, adverbs, story sequences: characters/setting, conflict/problem, climax/resolution, writing stories, summarizing references, report writing, bibliographic information, clincher sentences, summarizing multiple references, rough drafts, final drafts, inventive writing, formal critiques, and even writing a timed essay.
The Teacher’s Manual and the Student Manual enables the user to follow a clear path for completing the work. The Scope and Sequence give you a clear overview of what will be covered, and even recommend literature options. I really like the daily breakdown, but if that pace is too rigorous for your child, there is an option to adapt the program to 30 weeks instead of 24.

Would I Recommend IEW®?
The short answer is yes!
The longer answer is: While my son still dislikes writing, IEW® has given him a structure and path to improve his writing abilities. This program fits my family. Furthermore, I know from my older children who have used IEW® that it works. Outside of my immediate family, friends and fellow homeschoolers have also found success with this program.
My son can watch the streaming videos, complete the required assignments, and improve his writing at a level that makes us all happy.

Teaching writing to my children at the level they need to be reached is critical to me. Having a lifetime streaming of videos, also means that Jack-Jack (my younger autistic son) will be able to use this program. Since we don’t know when he will be ready to use it, I have confidence that sometime in years to come – not on a stranger’s guideline, but exactly when he is ready we will use it. This is an added value that many programs do not include.
What If You Can’t Stream Videos
What if you can’t or don’t want to stream videos. Good news! A DVD option is available to complete this class.
Final Thoughts about IEW®
If you are worried about teaching writing, check out IEW®. I know that this is the writing curriculum that is best for our household.
While our writing has been haphazard before this, having a structure in place was necessary. IEW® gave us that system.
If you don’t trust my word for it, check out the other reviews for Institute for Excellence in Writing® via the big banner below! There are reviews available for all levels.

Furthermore, I am an affiliate for IEW®. This means that if you purchase through my special link I receive a small percentage of the sale! Know that I only recommend products that I actually use.
If you would like some suggestions for teaching creative writing, including 300 creative writing prompts for middle school and high school, visit HERE!

Reviewing movies for parents from a Christian perspective since 2005. Know Before You Go!
Christian Homeschooling mom – 30 years and counting
Autism Mom & Disney enthusiast