Reasons why you should live close to family

There are many reasons why you might want to move closer to your family. Maybe you’re looking for a change in scenery, or maybe you need more support than what you’re currently receiving. Whatever the reason may be, moving closer to your family can have a lot of benefits for your quality of life. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important benefits of moving closer to your loved ones. We’ll also provide some tips on how to make the transition as smooth as possible!

Photo by James Besser on Unsplash

You’ll Have More Support

One of the best things about moving closer to your family is that you’ll have more people to rely on for support. Whether you’re facing a difficult life event or just need someone to talk to, your family will be there for you. They can offer advice, help with childcare, and provide emotional support when you need it most.

I know family members that have moved away, and when difficulties arise, they are often left feeling alone. Additionally, they may miss important family events.

You’ll Feel More Connected

When you live close to your family, you’ll have more opportunities to spend time with them. This can help you feel more connected and close to them. You may even find that your relationship with your family improves when you’re living closer to them.

Furthermore, your children will have the opportunity to develop lifelong bonds with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Having cousin/friends is awesome!

You’ll Save Money

Moving closer to your family can also save you money. If you’re able to live with family, you’ll be able to save on rent or mortgage payments. You may also be able to save on transportation costs if you’re close enough to walk or take public transportation.

If you are living closer to family, you may have childcare that others don’t have access to. I used to help my sister by picking her kids up from school when she couldn’t get out of work on time. Additionally, my sister and I would watch each other’s kids.

You may even be able to save money by sharing big tools and small appliances such as snow blowers, garden tillers, rug cleaners, ice cream makers, chain saws, and more. Having family members to share these expenses with can really help the budget.

You’ll Have More Opportunities and Connections

Honestly, name recognition in a small town is important for making business connections, getting jobs, helping your children in sports, and more. While nobody wants to talk openly about this, it is a fact of life. If your sibling is a great employer or employee, people are more willing to do business with you based on name recognition.

You’ll Be Happier

Living close to your family can also make you happier. A study by the University of Michigan found that people who lived close to their families were happier than those who didn’t. This is likely because you’ll have more support and opportunities to spend time with loved ones when you live close by.

You’ll be Able to Develop Family Traditions

Living close to your family means that you will be able to develop traditions that you can pass on to your children. In our area, we have cookie tables at weddings. Making cookies for weddings and celebrating with a cookie table is one tradition that my family has enjoyed since before I was born. When a wedding is approaching, we all just know we will be making cookies!

Other traditions to develop with your kids and their relatives are Christmas caroling, sled riding, family tournaments, and more.

Making the Move

If you’re thinking about moving closer to your family, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make the transition as smooth as possible. Here are a few tips:

Talk to Your Family About Your Decision

Before you make a move, it’s important to talk to your family about it. They may have some concerns or questions that you need to address. It’s also important to make sure that everyone is on board with the decision before you make any final plans.

Make a Plan

Once you’ve decided to move, it’s important to make a plan. This includes figuring out where you’re going to live, how you’re going to get there, and what you’re going to do with your belongings. Having a plan will help the transition go more smoothly. If it’s going to be long distance moving you may need to hire a moving company.

Give Yourself Time to Adjust

Moving to a new place can be overwhelming, so it’s important to give yourself time to adjust. Once you’re settled in, take some time to explore your new surroundings and get familiar with the area. It may take a little while to feel at home, but eventually, you’ll be glad you made the move.

We hope this post has given you some insights into the benefits of moving closer to your family. If you’re considering making a move, we encourage you to keep these things in mind. Good luck!

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