Children Grow Up and Get Revenge After Parent’s Embarrass Them Online

Are you a teen that is sick of your mom embarrassing you online? Are you tired of posing for photos all the time? Do your parents post your life without your permission? We have read articles or seen photos posted by mom bloggers/influencers who think they are clever and witty. They write about how their toddler, five-year-old, preteen, or teen acts, thinks or embarrasses them. These blogs have titles such as 10 Things Moms of Teen Boys Must Know, or Surviving the Toddler Years. As I read these blogs, I know that someday these children will grow up and write retaliatory blogs aimed at those moms. Additionally, teens are now complaining of their moms oversharing their lives. You just know they will be plotting for years to come.

I also see pictures or videos posted of a child doing something foolish or dangerous and my first thought is, “Why in the world did you pull out the camera? You should have been helping your child.” The following are revenge blog post ideas written by your future child or teen who is tired of your embarrassing them.


You cannot start just randomly posting now. You will have to wait for years to post. Right now, and as long as your parent’s are financially supporting you in any manner, they hold all the cards. They can take away your cell phone, make your do chores, limit your access to the outside world, and more. But when you are an adult, you will be able to post freely.


Everything you post stays in cyberland forever, and someday your children will see/read what you have written about them. Not only do these blog posts erode the trust your child has for you, but they also undermine your entire relationship with them. And if you have a teen, they are tired of your posting their photo or about their life online without permission. They are already speaking out about this.

I am certain I will see blogs in the future written by the children who grew up with parents who had no filter!

Things You Must Know When Caring for Your Aging Parents Which Will Give You Plenty of Ammunition for Revenge Blog Posts

*Titles below actually taken/modified from other blog posts aimed at children

*They will smell

From the moment you walk into their apartment/nursing home room (because if you keep writing articles and posting photos of them, you can be sure they will put your sorry butt there as soon as they can) there will be a stench that is a combination of old, mothballs, and urine. They don’t own a mothball, and you will wonder where the mothball smell is coming from, but trust me, you will smell mothballs. Anything they buy you or give you will carry that smell with it. There is no amount of spray or deodorizer that will get rid of that smell.

*They will need help to change their Depends

You thought you were done changing diapers, think again. You know at one time, you had a very independent mother, but somewhere along the way, she decided that it was easier to have you help her with everything. Taking care of both your own children and your mother, you will be exhausted. It is almost like you have another child to take care of, and don’t get me started on having to clip their toenails which grow at the rate of 6 inches a week.

Future You!

*There is no frustration greater than driving with your parent to appointments and the store

You know that it is time to take away their driver’s license, but that means that you will have to pick up your mom and drive her everywhere. Right now, any time you are with her, she insists on driving. That last mailbox almost took off the side of your car. This may be the time you start thinking about that job relocation. Let someone else have the headache of taking her car keys away!

*When they aren’t eating, they are sleeping

You may have never noticed your mom’s quirky eating habits before now, but she eats so slowly, all the while telling you how everything costs so much less in 1990. If she isn’t eating, she is falling asleep in front of the television set.

*You Have to Repeat Yourself Over and Over

You took your mom/dad to an audiologist to get them that expensive hearing aid, but they can’t ever find it. The hearing aid, along with their glasses, is nowhere to be seen. You have to yell everything repeatedly. When they do finally find their hearing aid, the batteries are dead.

*They Think You Owe Them Because They Gave Birth To You

They have such an entitlement mentality. The way they call and demand that you visit on their birthday. Just keep reminding them that they gave birth to you, but you never asked to be born. Plus you have a life of your own.

*They are Nice to Everyone Who Isn’t You

How many times does your mother have to rehash that story about when you were 10 years old? She can’t remember where her car keys are, but she can remember to tell every one of your coworkers that embarrassing story. Everyone that meets her thinks she is the nicest little old lady, but the moment they walk away, she reminds you of how much weight you have gained or how you could have been a doctor if you had just applied yourself.

Revenge for All Those Embarrassing Photos Parents Posted

There is nothing you can do about the fact that your mother/father posted embarrassing photos. Everyone can access those photos day and night and it would take an Act of Congress to get them removed from the Internet. It is finally time to repay them by posting pictures of them! How about posting that photo of when your mother’s dress was stuck in her underwear or the photo of your dad with the toilet paper stuck on his shoe. I really think the best video would be the one that shows your mother slipping on ice on the sidewalk. You know the one where she broke her leg? That will be a classic that will go viral! You might even make some money on that video.

Revenge for those times that your Mom/Dad hung a shameful sign around your neck

You know what they say about paybacks? Signs such as “Wet the Bed Again,” or “Got a Virus on the Computer,” or maybe “Wired Money to a Stranger in Nigeria,” would all get a good laugh.


REMEMBER: When your teen is sick of parents embarrassing them, they will do stupid things. Maybe they will even begin to post now. If your child says, stop, you need to dial it way back before you regret it. Most children will not grow up and post embarrassing photos of their parents, but they will grow up and resent you. They will not want to have a relationship with you, and that, my friends, is far worse than an embarrassing photo!

More Reading:

Are You Doing Enough to Protect Your Child’s Identity?

Raising Kids Who Trust You

Help Your Child Be Their Strongest Self

Five Things That Make Raising Kids Easier

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